Via Val di Roda, 56
38054 San Martino di Castrozza (TN)

WhatsApp +39.320.0192421

Terms and Conditions of Sale
By booking the Hotel Villa Aurora you must be aware of the following:
General booking terms and conditions
Submitting a booking request on the website www.villaaurorahotel.it implies the customer's express acceptance of each and all of the general conditions, considered an integral part of the booking as completed by the applicable legislation in force.
The internal regulations of the “Hotel Villa Aurora” accommodation facility are set up to guarantee everyone a uniform, orderly, serene and peaceful use of the same. The structure is more than anything else the residence of many guests who have decided to stay there, therefore we ask you to respect it and treat it as you would take care of your home. For the purpose of a good coexistence, we ask you to observe not only the rules dictated by the law but also those dictated by simple common sense and mutual respect. Your collaboration will be essential for everyone to spend a more pleasant stay, for our structure and the staff who work there and for the external environment in which it is inserted. The Hotel management reserves the right to modify these regulations for reasons of expediency and functioning of the services by posting the changes to the Hotel reception and published on the hotel's website. This Regulation is an integral part of the Booking Form, for all that is not explicitly mentioned, reference is made to the regulations in force, to the good taste and common sense of each in the interest of all.